Conducting your job search can be a daunting and time consuming task. That’s why it’s important to take a strategic approach and take time to assess your options and plan ahead, treating your job search as you would any other work related project.
To help you tackle your job search head on we’ve provided some handy tips to get you on the right path:
Before you begin think about your long-term career goals and how you plan to achieve those goals;
Make your search as targeted as possible and consider your job preferences (working environment and culture, industry, salary and benefits, location, company size etc.);
The key is to be specific – but also realistic – when setting your preferences for your next job.
Register your CV on job boards relevant to your search and set up regular job alerts, ensuring that you are specific about your search criteria;
If you are openly job seeking ensure that your CV is publicly visible.
Effectively managing your online profile and maximize your online brand should be an integral part of your job search;
Ensure that you maintain a professional appearance via all of your public facing social media profiles and let your Linkedin profile work as hard as possible to sell your skills and competencies;
Consider writing a professional blog or consultative articles that will enhance your online brand.
Be realistic about where you are in your career and assess whether or not your skills and experience actually match with the essential requirements of the post before applying.
When it comes to job applications a ‘one size fits all’ approach is definitely not the right strategy;
Make sure you tailor your CV and covering letter to the job you are applying for and the industry in which the company operates and do your research on the hiring company.
Speak with your HardyRecruitment consultant about the specific organisations you’re interested in working for. They can then approach these organisations on your behalf on a speculative basis.
If you don’t ask you don’t get! If you have applied for a particular job or interviewed for a role but were unsuccessful speak to the recruiter or employer to ask for feedback on why you weren’t considered.
If you’re putting in the hours and are seeing little or no results it’s time to stop, take stock and re-evaluate your current job search strategy;
You should be reviewing your job search strategy at least every few months. Do your research and invest time and effort into your job search if you want results.
The current economic climate has put pressure on an already competitive jobs market but keep up your enthusiasm and positivity and keep building your networks and you’ll eventually land that dream job.